
8 maart 2023

Little girl

Though not a game

You've won

While they scheme, celebrate

You keep your back straight

Just breathe

Just wait


Rise from the ashes

Of the bridges you've burned

Their venom untouched

One eighty you turned

Just let them sink

Let them turn stale

Let them grow old

The stones they threw then

Now your yellow brick road


Feel that soft wind blow

Pushing the arch of your back

It is Fate's warm hand

Inviting you to dance

With Life

With Abundance



There is more where that came from

Click your high heels three times


Little girl

Though not a tale

It has been told

What didn't kill you made you strong

But now you know

They are wrong

You were a warrior all along

Ja ja, ik zit ook op de socials. Vind me op Bluesky en Instagram! Fuck Elon.