October 13

13 oktober 2023

I was never really ready

No one ever really taught me

How to breathe while you grieve

How to stand as you fall

Standing tall feeling small


You didn't really want to know

When your final curtain would close

How your body would get cold

When the meds no longer hold

How much time for your soul


You didn't really want to see

How you slowly disappeared

How you looked at us once more

Leaving us one empty seat

That Wednesday afternoon

On October the thirteenth


And although we were never really ready

Somehow that day you taught me

How to breathe while I grieve

How to stand as I fall

Standing tall feeling small


Grateful I was there

To thank you, hold your hand

That I could say 'I love you too’

To say goodbye, somehow we could

To just let go, once you understood

That you did good


Is it warm where you are now

Hear my silent prayers 

Up there somehow 

Thanking God for His release

To forgive myself has set me free

And brought me peace

So I could finally let go

October the thirteenth

Ja ja, ik zit ook op de socials. Vind me op Bluesky en Instagram! Fuck Elon.